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getting serious about
Serious VR Games
for People with Dementia and their Caregivers 

There is increasing evidence of the effectiveness of game-based dementia treatments, with a growing investment in applications that use novel technologies like Virtual Reality (VR). VR-games offer a superior sense of immersion, interactivity, and imagination by providing players with exciting and life-like multisensory (vision, hearing, and touch-based) experiences. Unfortunately, the few VR-games created for people with dementia, and frail older adults in general, do not meet their complex needs. VR-games for this population must be intentionally designed for varying levels of cognitive and physical ability. 

We will recruit participants from community partners to iteratively co-create two VR-games, based on: (a) a systematic review of existing VR games for people with dementia, (b) engagement with diverse experts (our knowledge users: older adults, care partners, and providers), and (c) evaluation of the ease-of-use and impact of the VR-games (e.g., enjoyment, mood, time spent in the activity by people with dementia).

Visit our Dynamic Website to see our work in progress, as we review relevant VR game applications...

or click on the video below to see our game-in-progress!
VR & Dementia App Scan Poster (2).png
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