Bridging dimensions of dance performance and mental health through Virtual Reality
Utilizing dance, text, VR technology, and puppetry, “Upstairs, In Our Bedroom” will be presented as theatre-in-the-round to give the audience an immersive, intimate view into the dual struggles to exist as individuals within a pairing.
Same As Sister (S.A.S.) is in the early developmental stages for "Upstairs, In Our Bedroom", an interdisciplinary performance that places our own experiences as female identical twins of color next to the real-life story of outsider authors June & Jennifer Gibbons (a.k.a. The Silent Twins).
We are exploring how our twin bond and imagination has simultaneously been the source of power and pain. Similar to the Gibbons, we have dealt with imposed separation/isolation, mental health issues, and hospitalization, and have relied on our shared creativity as a coping and escapist mechanism.